Author Archive

Art Basement bridges the gap between different disciplines

Art Basement bridges the gap between different disciplines

Jan 17, 2013 |  by  |  Art, Event

It’s probably safe to say that these are troubled times for the Dutch art world. Undaunted by last years’ harsh austerity measures however, the scene for contemporary art is alive and kicking. Driven by passion and working with only marginal budgets, people still manage to make things happen. Like Art Basement Amsterdam, an art festival that will be organized for the first time on February 2nd. (..more)

Bertrand Peyrot's rusty art with timeless qualities

Bertrand Peyrot’s rusty art with timeless qualities

Dec 18, 2012 |  by  |  Art

It’s a stubborn misconception that today’s artists are somehow less qualified craftsmen than their famous predecessors. The nicest way to refute this mistaken idea, is to prove by example that many contemporary artists do develop outstanding artistic skills and produce beautiful works of art. Works like that of young Parisian artist Bertrand Peyrot, whose rusty portraits of both male and female figures are currently on view at No Man’s Art Gallery. (..more)

Kunstvlaai 2012 is brimming with joyous creativity

Kunstvlaai 2012 is brimming with joyous creativity

Nov 30, 2012 |  by  |  Art, Event

For an art festival that doesn’t want to be an anti-fair, the air at the current Amsterdam Kunstvlaai is remarkably thick with ideas about social critique and attempts at formal ingenuity. Newcomers might be surprised, but this punky in-between of art fairs and biennials has some serious resonance in the art world at large, and there are indeed some very interesting things going on. Here’s an introduction to what I enjoyed most, in no particular order. (..more)

Why the PAN Art Fair is just plain fun

Why the PAN Art Fair is just plain fun

Nov 23, 2012 |  by  |  Art, Event

Judging by their attendance records, art fairs like the PAN Art Fair range among the most popular art-events today. Even so (or perhaps because of this), fair-bashing is a favorite pastime of many self-respecting critics. Some complain about the poor conditions of display at art fairs, others have a problem with the decidedly commercial goings-on at these events. Here’s why art fairs in general, and the PAN in particular are fun anyway. (..more)

NIMk gets the axe but lives on at NASA

NIMk gets the axe but lives on at NASA

Nov 16, 2012 |  by  |  Art, Spots

Chances are you don’t exactly keep track of every new art space popping up around town, because there are just so many. The new ambitious art space at the old morgue housing SMART Project Space however, is definitely one to watch. During the last Museumnight on November 3rd, New Art Space Amsterdam (NASA) celebrated its first birthday with a lively opening to an exhibition curated by renowned Dutch artist Gabriel Lester entitled The Future that Was. (..more)