Author Archive

Georgie's magnificent garden in 12 pictures

Georgie’s magnificent garden in 12 pictures

Jul 17, 2015 |  by  |  Event, Photos

There is a new cult hero in town: Georgie. An old, unknown traveler who wants to share freedom, joy and friendship from all over the world. Last weekend, Ruigoord offered the perfect opportunity for everyone who wants to escape to a place with a little bit of magic. You don’t have to be an experienced writer, nor an excellent photographer, to give a representative image of Georgie's Wundergarten. (..more)

Two minutes of noise on Liberation Day

Two minutes of noise on Liberation Day

May 4, 2015 |  by  |  Event

When our Night Mayor speaks, I'm all ears. While many residents are worried about Amsterdam becoming a nanny city, it's Mirik Milan's task to look after the sharp edges of the night. But he wasn't just responsible for the introduction of the pleasant 24-hour licenses; social and political issues have a night mayor’s attention too. (..more)

How Ikea pops up everywhere

How Ikea pops up everywhere

Mar 26, 2015 |  by  |  Art, Event

Although Ikea rejected a 21.000-attending game of hide and seek in their Amsterdam store earlier this month, we can entitle them as champ in worldwide tactics and expansion. The Swedish home furnishing giant has been planting its blue and yellow flag in places you’d never expect. As proven by a marketing prank by Ikea the Netherlands, that’s gone viral last week. (..more)

The Grand Mokum Hotel, a party with a pinch of history

The Grand Mokum Hotel, a party with a pinch of history

Feb 26, 2015 |  by  |  Event

Computer screens go black, desks have been removed. The staff’s gone home, leaving their impressive office at the Amsteldijk empty and unattended. But not for long. While architectural plans to make it the most luxurious hotel in town are ready to be put into action, a special atmosphere will be created for The Grand Mokum Hotel tomorrow. (..more)

Carnival the Amsterdam way, a guideline for dummies

Carnival the Amsterdam way, a guideline for dummies

Feb 14, 2015 |  by  |  Event

Carnival is getting more popular every year. Even among hip, young people. Drinking beer out of a jug, raising your arm without reminding of a spastic Nazi salute, shouting at the right moments and most of all: an impressive outfit. Here´s some trendy inspiration. (..more)