Author Archive

Get urban, go bee-keeping!

Get urban, go bee-keeping!

Nov 20, 2012 |  by  |  Food, Spots

Junk food, cube-shaped chickens or radioactive apples. For a long time people couldn’t care less. The last few years that’s shifting though, consumers are becoming more aware of what they eat. You might already have noticed a trend in shops trying to sell you all kinds of organic stuff, some of them from an ideological point of view, all of them for ridiculous prices. It seems that we have to chip in to save the planet! Ridiculous right? For all the people out there who agree that buying off your bad conscience isn’t the way to salvation, here are some creative solutions. (..more)

Get urban, go farming!

Get urban, go farming!

Nov 6, 2012 |  by  |  Food, Spots

Junk food, cube-shaped chickens or radioactive apple’s. For a long time people couldn’t care less. The last few years that’s shifting though, consumers are becoming more aware of what they eat. You might already have noticed a trend in shops trying to sell you all kinds of organic stuff, some of them from an ideological point of view, all of them for ridiculous prices. It seems that we have to chip in to save the planet! Ridiculous right? For all the people out there who agree that buying off your bad conscience isn’t the way to salvation, here are some creative solutions. (..more)

Guest of Honor: Clone founder Serge puts DJing in perspective.

Guest of Honor: Clone founder Serge puts DJing in perspective.

Jun 19, 2012 |  by  |  Music

Electronic music all-rounder Serge has been rocking venues since the late eighties. He has build quite a résumé as an international DJ and founder of Clone Records, the umbrella under which a few sub-labels operate which bring you some of the finest records the international electronic landscape has to offer. Because we usually only see him at his Clone nights in Trouw we were glad we could dance to his music at C.O.B.R.A and MOOD two weeks ago and we even got a chance to have a nice chat with him about his label, the electronic music scene, and his DJ-career afterwards. (..more)

Honest art: BAM! Jimba in your face

Honest art: BAM! Jimba in your face

Apr 4, 2012 |  by  |  Art

The artist I talk with today sucks at football and wasn’t fit enough to become an astronaut, so he became Jimba. Jimba, or Jim Mooijekind as his mortal name is, uses acrylic paint on canvas, and ink and paint markers on paper. Every now and then he uses computer programs like Photoshop and Illustrator as well. Jimba decided to go paint because he noticed it was fun to create and he realized he was better then the other kids in his class. (..more)

Unleash your inner beast at Ontrouw

Unleash your inner beast at Ontrouw

Mar 16, 2012 |  by  |  Event, Music

This Saturday Amsterdam is challenged for its tolerance. Everybody knows Mokum is the place to be unbothered while smoking weed or humping hookers and when people all over the world still thought gay meant happy, emancipation of homosexuals and women was already high on the agenda of our beloved Dutch politicians. Personally I think that behind this curtain of touristic tolerance, there’s still a lot to improve. Luckily this weekend the Amsterdam party scene has the opportunity to show how open minded they really are when Trouw goes Ontrouw. (..more)

Korrekt Unikorn means hot electronic music

Korrekt Unikorn means hot electronic music

Mar 15, 2012 |  by  |  Music

For all the electronic music lovers out there, there’s a new kid in town called Korrekt Unikorn. Korrekt Unikorn is an electronic music radio station and wants to provide a platform where party organizers from Amsterdam can show the public what they’re made of. Their focus is on the hot players in the scene with an emphasis on deep house, tech-house and techno. (..more)

Honest Art: Vera West about capturing volatile moments in a traditional way

Honest Art: Vera West about capturing volatile moments in a traditional way

Mar 15, 2012 |  by  |  Art

For most artists it’s obvious that creativity is a part of their life. But most of the time people do need a spark to figure that out. Vera West, the painter I talked with today, is a visual person since she can remember. But because she wasn’t a quick student as a child she never got to the creative part during elementary school. “In a way the creative frustration I felt as a child led to an urge to paint.” Luckily, due to a motivating teacher in high school, she discovered painting and drawing was really her thing. “It’s always nice to discover you’re really good at something, that’s why I continued painting.” (..more)

Everybody can be an artist in Marieken van Huijstee's Neurotic Scribbles at Zeezout

Everybody can be an artist in Marieken van Huijstee’s Neurotic Scribbles at Zeezout

Mar 9, 2012 |  by  |  Art, Event

Neurotic Scribbles is all about the creativeness that comes boiling up during boredom. Everybody’s bored sometimes. And usually people don’t think they are productive then. Marieken van Huijstee challenges that with her interest for the things people scribble on paper while they don’t think about anything at all. These things are called doodles and I must say it’s rather nice to see how creative people are when they take a break from their daily business. (..more)

Everyday American life, Russian hippies and Arnon Grunberg at FOAM

Everyday American life, Russian hippies and Arnon Grunberg at FOAM

Mar 8, 2012 |  by  |  Art

When I left work this afternoon for a lunch appointment it was almost as if Gerrit Hiemstra himself was pulling tricks on me for laughing at his last evening bulletin. The moment I got on my bike it started raining. At first it were just some modest drops but after a few blocks all hell broke loose. I got to café twenty minutes later, soaking out wet to my socks. Since going back to work or continuing my journey home wasn’t any option, I decided to check out an exhibition about Russian hippies in FOAM instead. (..more)

Make a last minute culture stop for Saul Leiter in the Jewish Historical Museum

Make a last minute culture stop for Saul Leiter in the Jewish Historical Museum

Mar 2, 2012 |  by  |  Art

In most museums you won’t need a whole month to look around, that’s why I went to the exhibition of Saul Leiter in the Joods Historisch Museum (Jewish Historical Museum) this morning. If you want to check it out you have till Sunday, but I would highly recommend to skip the Friday after-work drinks with your dull colleagues today and go see some nice pictures instead. (..more)