Breakfast in Bed #4: Sander Groet
Have you ever wondered what someone else's house looks like on the inside? Have you ever been insanely curious to find out what's inside your idol's fridge? With Breakfast in Bed we take a step behind closed doors with the inspiring people Amsterdam has on offer. A 3-minute film where we get to take a look behind the scenes. We join these people in their morning rituals and show you a slightly more personal side of life. We talk about their vision, their passion and the place they call home. (..more)
Get connected with the maker of the image at Beelddragers X10
A platform for talent, with love for imagery and the maker. This is, in a nutshell, Beelddragers. Their vision is inspiring and creates a personal connection with a work of art; and of course its maker. Something you often miss out on with other existing platforms. This energy is now being transformed into their newest expo opening this Friday, Beelddragers X10. (..more)
Sunday brunch just got even better at Amsterdam Roest
After a rough Saturday night out, the only thing you want is the ideal anti-hangover brunch brawl. Maybe the Epic Meal Time guys take it a bit too far, but you get the point. The only thing really stopping you from doing this every weekend is having to cook up all the shit yourself at home. So, instead of dragging yourself out of bed and into the kitchen this Sunday, hop on your bike to Amsterdam Roest for a morning breeze of fresh air, park your ass on one of many Chesterfields and dig in to an all-you-can-eat brunch buffet. All the while enjoying the extra add-on for this edition, live singer-songwriters to ease the ringing ears back to normality. (..more)
Foam Lab’s rocking Museum van Loon’s socks off this Friday
Not too long ago,’s own Sabrina Beek teamed up with photographer Sander Dekker and curator Carli van de Kerkhof. They were taking part in Foam Lab’s event ShortCut; an intense 24-hour expo challenge. Well Foam Lab is back once again. Proving all they’re worth in their last event of the year, this bunch is ready to go out with a bang. Confronting us with devilish acts we’d love to deny, it’s time to prove your own worth: Pics or it didn’t happen! (..more)
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Superkoeien!
I think it was last winter that all of Amsterdam’s hipster divas (and a few extrovert divos) were trotting around in their fur coats, which they most probably bagged at the IJ-hallen. But I could be mistaken on which winter it was, as most females will now scream: “OMG, no way! I was already rocking that shit back in 2008. All those fur coat wannabees last year are such posers.” But I'm drifting off. What I should be telling you about is Superkoeien. (..more)
A coincidental run-in with an amateur photographer
Here at Overdose we had quite an interesting run-in with amateur photographer Jeroen de Jongh. As luck might have it, Jeroen is based in Amsterdam and trying to create a personal style in his work. So we thought, why not place him in the spotlight a bit and show you guys what kind of skills we run into randomly every now and again. (..more)
Ultra de la Rue is an arena for experiments
Browsing around the red light district you might just run into Ultra de la Rue. It’s a new creative space wedged in between the more ‘meaty’ ladies of sexual services. Afaina de Jong and Egberth Thomas opened up shop last July. Setting up an ‘arena for experiments’, they lay their main focus on urban issues and innovation. As Afaina herself puts it, “we’re here to nurture talent”. (..more)
Shoe builds a framework and tears it down
An email went round to the editors, asking if anyone was interested in doing an interview with artist Niels “Shoe” Meulman. Within a matter of seconds, I hit reply-all. Trying to keep my enthusiasm as discreet as I possibly could, my answer read: “MINE, MINE, MINE!!” (..more)
Drink Halbe beer and support the cultural arts
If you’re in need of a little break from ADE this weekend, here’s something you should definitely check out. Halbe is a new brand beer that donates all of its profits to the cultural sector. Their launch party is this Saturday at W139, hosted by SSBA Salon. But not only will they be showing off their new HalbeHalbe (a 0,25L edition), you will also get a glimpse of their new website and other future plans. (..more)