Author Archive

5 must-see talks during ADE Green

5 must-see talks during ADE Green

Oct 13, 2017 |  by  |  Art, Event

ADE Green is all about meaningful solutions for the future. Leading in sustainability, innovation and social change within the music industry. (..more)

Worth Your Dam Hangover: ADE Sunday

Worth Your Dam Hangover: ADE Sunday

Oct 17, 2016 |  by  |  Event, Music

It's a very sad moment when you realize the best week of the year has come to an end. Although it also is a relieve in a way because it means you're still alive and next week you are finally allowed to sleep again. Everyone knows Sunday is the best day to party during ADE. All those magical moments that you will remember for years happen on this day, mark my words. Let me tell you where you can experience this magic. (..more)

Worth Your Dam Hangover: ADE Saturday

Worth Your Dam Hangover: ADE Saturday

Oct 16, 2016 |  by  |  Event, Music

Only two days left until the Amsterdam Dance Event is over. Although this is a sad fact, there are still two days filled with ADE madness to look forward to. This is where you party animals should go to on Saturday to party the night away. (..more)

Worth Your Dam Hangover: ADE Friday

Worth Your Dam Hangover: ADE Friday

Oct 15, 2016 |  by  |  Event, Music

Weekend! Some of you have been partying for two days already but for some of you the ADE madness starts today. I'll help you kick it off right. Let me highlight three artists for you that are playing on Friday, that totally make it worth going to these events, even without the rest of the amazing line-ups next to them. (..more)

Worth Your Dam Hangover: ADE Thursday

Worth Your Dam Hangover: ADE Thursday

Oct 13, 2016 |  by  |  Event, Music

Day two of the week of no sleep is coming. During Amsterdam Dance Event the entire global and local electronic music scene gathers in our city. Which is pretty cool but also kind of stressful because - unfortunately - you cannot be at 100 places at the same time. Fear of missing out would be an understatement. Let me tell you where to dance your asses of on Thursday and make this dilemma a bit easier for you. (..more)

Worth Your Dam Hangover: ADE Wednesday

Worth Your Dam Hangover: ADE Wednesday

Oct 12, 2016 |  by  |  Event, Music

During ADE there are over 2200 artists playing in 140 clubs all over town. In just five days. Yeah, I know, how in hell are you supposed to choose, right? Thank God you have me to guide you. (..more)

Worth Your Dam Hangover: LET Me In, Lena Willikens,  Trippin Jaguar & Esa

Worth Your Dam Hangover: LET Me In, Lena Willikens, Trippin Jaguar & Esa

May 5, 2016 |  by  |  Event

Too many plans for the weekend? (..more)

Redevice invites legendary DeepChord to Cruquiusgilde

Redevice invites legendary DeepChord to Cruquiusgilde

Apr 26, 2016 |  by  |  Event, Music

Redevice had been providing you with quality music for years now. They invited artists such as André Galluzzi, Zip, Eric Cloutier and Abdullah Rashim to our town and RMFK, Anonym and San Proper have released on their label. This Friday they invited Deepchord to their homebase Cruquiusgilde. This is a night you do not want to miss. But seriously Deepchord is amazing. Enough reason for a chat with Frodo, one of the guys behind Redevice. (..more)

Worth Your Dam Hangover: PLANET ROCK, Horizon

Worth Your Dam Hangover: PLANET ROCK, Horizon

Apr 20, 2016 |  by  |  Event

Too many plans for the weekend? Let me narrow your options down by weekly suggesting the events where you can meet, dance and drink with Amsterdam’s finest crowds. After all, ‘a hangover ain’t worth the pain if the party is lame’. So here’s where you weekend warriors should go to for next Monday’s hangover. (..more)

Worth Your Dam Hangover: Zwart Goud, Radion Weekender, De Marktkantine

Worth Your Dam Hangover: Zwart Goud, Radion Weekender, De Marktkantine

Apr 13, 2016 |  by  |  Event

Too many plans for the weekend? Let me narrow your options down by weekly suggesting the events where you can meet, dance and drink with Amsterdam’s finest crowds. After all, ‘a hangover ain’t worth the pain if the party is lame’. So here’s where you weekend warriors should go to for next Monday’s hangover. (..more)