Author Archive

Guest of Honor: Call your mama to pick you up after Adana

Guest of Honor: Call your mama to pick you up after Adana

Oct 17, 2012 |  by  |  Music

Hamburg residents Adana Twins, who charmingly named themselves after their favourite doner kebab place ‘Adana’, are getting ready to heat up the decks during Amsterdam Dance Event at Next Monday’s Hangover and Pleinvrees/STRAF_WERK. Although the duo consisting of friends Friso and ‘Take it easy’ make a laid-back impression and love relaxing and popping by coffeeshops in Amsterdam they say do not get deceived! You will most likely need a ride home after you’ve danced yourself sore to their beats. (..more)

Close your eyes and get hedonic with Les Enfants Terribles

Close your eyes and get hedonic with Les Enfants Terribles

Jul 30, 2012 |  by  |  Event, Music

Amsterdam is home to plenty of passionate night owls, hedonistic crowds and collectives dedicated to organizing parties. Among them are Les Enfants Terribles (LET), a group known for hosting recurring parties at their favourite club Trouw. We caught up with LET member Kolja Verhage to learn about the philosophy behind Les Enfant Terribles, their everlasting belief in Amsterdam as a hub for uprising DJ talents and their reasons for avoiding 24-hour party marathons. (..more)

Expat Gone Wild: I don't speak Dutch...I rap it.

Expat Gone Wild: I don’t speak Dutch…I rap it.

May 13, 2012 |  by  |  Art

Just one of these nights in Amsterdam: You’re out in a bar with your friends, planning on your next smart coup in the city when a lead singer of a famous Dutch hip hop band comes in. This happens to me every once in a while. Just like last week, when I ran into one of the guys from De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig. (..more)

Expat Gone Wild: Long live the Queen

Expat Gone Wild: Long live the Queen

Apr 29, 2012 |  by  |  Art

Mondays, and especially Monday mornings, have the tendency to be really unpleasant. Not only because the weekends seem way too short when you were out working off your party-animalitis. Also, because people tend to be grumpy and unhappy when they jump on the jam-packed metro on Monday morning, knowing they have a full week of work ahead. All the more reason to consider ourselves very lucky this week! We’re not only saving labour on Monday, but we’re likewise celebrating the most charming annual binge fest alias Queen’s Day, known as THE BIGGEST PARTY OF THE YEAR. (..more)

Expat Gone Wild: Where's McGyver when you need him?

Expat Gone Wild: Where’s McGyver when you need him?

Apr 15, 2012 |  by  |  Art

When your heating suddenly stops working, your boiler is falling apart and the plumber charges you several hundred Euros for passing by and having a minute-long look at it while your washing machine is acting crazy and flooding the living rooms of all your neighbours, you're probably in big trouble. Even more so, when you're an expat. Welcome to my very personal housing disaster in Amsterdam! If you happen to have connections to McGyver or a lawyer, please pass them along. (..more)

De Zon, an event for sun worshippers by Next Monday's Hangover and friends

De Zon, an event for sun worshippers by Next Monday’s Hangover and friends

Apr 5, 2012 |  by  |  Event, Music

Rays of sunshine, ice-cold beer bottles clinking all over the place and a sun-loving crowd wearing almost nothing but their brightest smiling faces. Summer is just around the corner and Next Monday’s Hangover wants to celebrate this long awaited phase of joy with all of you at a brand new event: De Zon, a celebration of Amsterdam’s biggest and brightest source of inspiration. On May 20th we kick off 2012′s outdoor season! (..more)

Expat Gone Wild: The Final Countdown

Expat Gone Wild: The Final Countdown

Apr 1, 2012 |  by  |  Art

There are a number of situations in this city when you would not be able to call anyone or receive any text message because your reception is totally down. You're either in a subway tunnel, in some bar underground, on a massively crowded festival Vondelpark when the sun is shining. 20 + degree Celsius, half a million people. The wait for this kind of party might be over soon, friends. No matter if you're local or an expat: You are cordially invited to drop everything at this very moment, dance around the next tree or bush you can find and invoke the sun with me! (..more)

Expat Gone Wild: Go hard or go home

Expat Gone Wild: Go hard or go home

Mar 18, 2012 |  by  |  Art

They ride their trashy Dutch bikes like die-hard rickshaw cyclists in India, they know that going Dutch is synonymous for “baby, pay your own bill” and they stalk their naked neighbour in his curtainless flat just like he is stalking them. They are expats gone wild in Amsterdam and I am one of them! Let me share my stories about a foreigner’s life in this glorious town. You’re in La La Land before you know it. (..more)

Guest of Honour: Backstage with Kollektiv Turmstrasse

Guest of Honour: Backstage with Kollektiv Turmstrasse

Mar 13, 2012 |  by  |  Music

Two pairs of Converse sneakers, a decade-long friendship and a very sincere poetic affinity for techno. That’s how Christian and Nico from Kollektiv Turmstrasse found themselves turning tables in brimful clubs, just like they did last Saturday in Studio 80. Right before their show, I met them backstage and felt like I was hanging out with my former high school buddies who love to talk about everything under the sun while forgetting that they actually happened to become famous throughout the years. (..more)

Expat Gone Wild: How to pick up a Dutch guy

Expat Gone Wild: How to pick up a Dutch guy

Mar 4, 2012 |  by  |  Art

This one goes out to all the fun-loving and outgoing expat and non-expat girls living, loving and partying in Amsterdam! Have you ever wondered how on earth Dutch guys manage to get laid? I seriously do it all the time. Not because I think Dutch men aren’t handsome enough. In fact, plenty of them are. At least all of my girlfriends from abroad would probably kill for being surrounded by that many tall and well-built males every day. One vacation in Amsterdam, several broken hearts. (..more)