The bike flat near Central Station can be a bitch when you need to find a spot and/or your bike on the way back. So, when I was still living in the Jordaan, I used to park my bike underneath the bridge at the Prins Hendrikkade and Singel. A few times a week I was welcomed by a homeless person, or at least a cardboard bed and some blankets. Admittedly, the place offered shelter against wind and rain, as you probably know similar spots as well.
I am humbled by the stories that were shared and feel very blessed in life when put in perspective.
However, compared to other major cities in the world Amsterdam has a relatively small amount of homeless people. Most of the severe cases, like alcoholics and drug addicts have been taken off the streets as part of a national plan. They were given treatment and accommodation. But despite that about 200 people still sleep in the streets every day. They’re often negatively labeled by society, as if it’s by own fault and choice that they end up homeless.
Luuk Walschot wanted to examine how much of this labeling is based on fair judgment and how much on prejudice. He created an intimate portrait series, and chose to capture his subjects in black and white in order to emphasize their character and anonymity. To give them a voice as well he put a quote beneath each person’s portrait, one that best describes their emotion: “I am humbled by the stories that were shared and feel very blessed in life when put in perspective.”
Luuk surely succeeded in giving homeless people in the city a face. Check out the entire series here.
Choose Life
When: December 6 – January 4 | Mon-Fri 14:30-17:00, Sun 11:00-13:00
Where: Oranjekerk, 2e van der Helststraat 1-3
More info: Website
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