A Mokum Halloween Story

A Mokum Halloween Story

Oct 26, 2015 |  by  |  Event, Music
About the author
Jerry is the name, online is my game. I'm a digital enthusiast, ranging from old skool gaming and Space Invaders to iPads and social media. The integration of digital elements in everyday life and art have my particular interest, and besides that I'm part time rockaholic.

Halloween, the creepiest time of year, is drawing near. Some people frantically stay inside to avoid the hordes of candy-craving kids scouring the neighborhood’, while others use the occasion to dress up in the scariest, darkest, most messed up way possible. If you fall into that first category, stop reading. Because we’re about to make your Halloween night a whole lot better!

Mokum Halloween and Fats Kids Cake teamed up to ‘give the day of the dead the ice cold tequila crazed embrace it deserves’. Well put guys, sounds chilling. The bride corpses and zombie dudes on the bill include the undead pairings of Mirella Kroes b2b JP Enfant, Arjuna Schiks b2b Mees Dierdorp, Some Chemistry b2b Florinsz Janvier b2b Kevin Duane, VP feat. Anouk Visée, as well as many other haunted music souls. Truly a frightening lineup.

Anything goes, as long as you give it a dark twist.

As for the dress code: this Halloween will be all about love for the sinister. The rules are simple: “Anything goes, as long as you give it a dark twist.” Easy enough, right? Whatever you decide to wear, go mental and don’t hold back, ’cause walking around like a zombie is the rule rather than the exception.

A Mokum Halloween Story

When: October 31, 22:00-05:00
Where: Het Sieraad, Postjesweg 1
Tickets: €21,- | Group Ticket 5+ €19,50
More info: Website & Facebook event

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