Video Friday: Amsterdam's city beaches

Video Friday: Amsterdam’s city beaches

Aug 28, 2015 |  by  |  Event, Food, Lifestyle, Spots
About the author
A sucker for a good story, Cathy is a writer, originally from London. As part of she reviews films and makes video reports on Amsterdam in English. She picks out the best of the lot especially for Overdose. Tweets @cathycentral

Video Friday is a a collaboration between and Broadcast Amsterdam to bring you regular reports by local film-makers and exclusive clips from the Broadcast Amsterdam TV shows.

Amsterdam’s city beaches

▶︎ Press play … because summer’s nearly over, folks. This weekend may well be the last good weather we have for a while, so what better way to spend it than at one of Amsterdam’s six city beaches.

Amsterdam’s city beaches

Made by: Cathy Leung (filmmaker), Cathy Leung
For: So Dam Local TV show

Broadcast Amsterdam

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