Worth Your Dam Hangover: PITCH, Sekoia, Kornuit SE22IONS

Worth Your Dam Hangover: PITCH, Sekoia, Kornuit SE22IONS

Jul 2, 2015 |  by  |  Event
About the author
Born and raised in Amsterdam, lives to dance and dances to live on electronic music, has a small vinyl addiction, appreciates a little sarcasm now and then, thinks musicals are annoying and loves those moments where you lose track of time completely.

Too many plans for the weekend? Let me narrow your options down by weekly suggesting the events where you can meet, dance and drink with Amsterdam’s finest crowds. After all, ‘a hangover ain’t worth the pain if the party is lame’. So here’s where you weekend warriors should go to for next Monday’s hangover.

Friday, Saturday: PITCH @ Westergasterrein

PITCH is one of my favorite festivals. Every year such interesting artists play here that it’s impossible for me to skip dancing at the Westergasterrein. This year James Blake is playing, which by itself is enough reason to go for me. James Holden, Reza Athar, Siriusmodeselektor, Jamie xx, Flume, Hunee, Bob Moses, Applescal and John Talabot are just a few names that are on the bill as well. Oh and if you’re wondering about the heat; water’s free, you can bring your own water bottle and water guns.

Friday: Sekoia in depth @ Closure

Sekoia is a lovely platform based in Utrecht that provides you with the best music around. This Friday they invited legendary Correspondant owner Jennifer Cardini to play in our town. Her set in De Natte Cel in Trouw is still carved in the minds of many because it was so damn good. Together with local rock stars Tsepo, Florinsz Janvier and Some Chemistry you know you never want to leave Closure again. This just might be a lovely PITCH after party.

Saturday: Kornuit SE22IONS @ Canvasopde7e

Volkshotel celebrated its first birthday last weekend which reminded everyone of how nice that place actually is. It’s time to dance at the 7th floor more often if you ask me. This Saturday Kornuit has invited Falco Bens, a producer who’s into analogue synthesizers, delicate chords, disco beats and drum computers. SHMLSS and Max Abysmal are playing as well! See you there.


Check out Tomorrow is Now, Kid! in Studio 80 as well!

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