Video Friday is a a collaboration between and Broadcast Amsterdam to bring you bi-weekly reports by local film-makers and exclusive clips from the Broadcast Amsterdam TV shows.
Amsterdam’s streetfood revolution
▶︎ Press play … because Steff Veldcamp of Vleesch Noch Visch is a passionate campaigner for better street food options in the city and his warm personality will help you see why he’s succeeding. Lovely shots of the recent Food Soul Festival in Amsterdam Noord, too.
Best quote: “We don’t say that the hot dog has to go away, what we want is to have more diversity.”
Amsterdam’s Streetfood Revolution
Made by: Director: Aimilia Mouzaki; Assistant camera: Jelena Pavicic
For: So Dam Local TV show
Info: If you support the campaign for healthier and more diverse street food options for the city of Amsterdam, you can join the Streetfood Revolution by adding your name to the online petition.
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