Too many plans for the weekend? Let me narrow your options down by weekly suggesting the events where you can meet, dance and drink with Amsterdam’s finest crowds. After all, ‘a hangover ain’t worth the pain if the party is lame’. So here’s where you weekend warriors should go to for next Monday’s hangover.
Friday: Zauer Kitchen @ Westergasterras
Time for my favourite Saturday night concept again, only by exception on Friday this month. Instead of going to a boring pub somewhere to have some drinks and catch up with friends before you go out, you can hang out at the Westergasterras with amazing music. If you come early you can have an insane burger called the Tower of Zauer that is already legendary. This time music will be provided by Global Nick, Stevie Wonda, Tim Eeden and of course Daniel Zuur. You might know some of these from Familiar Forest.
Friday: Nuno Dos Santos all night long @ Trouw
The man behind Something Happening Somewhere will have my favourite club all to himself this Friday. Nuno’s music is extremely versatile and I can’t wait to hear what he’ll do when he has an entire night to build up and experiment. Support comes from DJ Deep, Serge and Paul du Lac in De Verdieping. See you there?
Saturday & Sunday: Shoeless Open Air @ Blijburg
Shoeless has been one of my favourite parties since I was 17 years old. The party where you’re not allowed to wear shoes has become a lot bigger over the years but has maintained their lovely intimate vibe, which is an achievement. Their festival is at Blijburg this year, which makes me really really happy. Get ready for a crazy circus!
Saturday: Somewhere Else @ Trouw
If you’re into experimental left field electronic music you must check out Somewhere Else in De Verdieping in Trouw this Saturday. You can check out Fatima Al Quadiri her nuanced global-minded sound and listen to an 3-hour live set from Heatsick, where you can expect hula-hoops, yoga mats and cocktails. Oh and in the main room you can check out Makam who is playing all night, which is also nice!
Check out ONE NIGHT OFF, Mystic Garden Festival and MONARCK Festival as well if you’ve got time.
Feature image by Catharina Gerritsen.
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