Next Monday's Hangover: Field Day & Rush Hour, Horizon, One Night In Detroit x For Those Who Know

Next Monday’s Hangover: Field Day & Rush Hour, Horizon, One Night In Detroit x For Those Who Know

Apr 30, 2014 |  by  |  Event
About the author
Born and raised in Amsterdam, lives to dance and dances to live on electronic music, has a small vinyl addiction, appreciates a little sarcasm now and then, thinks musicals are annoying and loves those moments where you lose track of time completely.

Too many plans for the weekend? Let me narrow down your options by suggesting some events where you can meet, dance and drink with Amsterdam’s finest crowds. After all, ‘a hangover ain’t worth the pain if the party is lame’. Here’s where you weekend warriors should go to for next Monday’s hangover.

Friday: Field Day & Rush Hour Basement Sessions @ Trouw

My heroes Jamie XX and Four Tet will play at my favourite club at the same freaking night?! This just makes my week. I think both of these men are geniuses and I highly recommend you to go check them out. I remember one of Jamie XX his sets at ADE a few years ago and I still light up when I think about that. Awanto3 and Boye from Rush Hour will play at De Verdieping which is also nice. I’ll definitely be there, come and say hi!

Four Tet, Jamie XX

Saturday: Horizon – Correspondant Night @ Doka

Horizon is one of my new favourite parties. I can guarantee that you’ll surround yourself with great music and only beautiful people. Horizon provides you with music you probably won’t hear anywhere else soon, which is awesome. It’s A Fine Line (Ivan Smagghe & Tim Paris), Jeniffer Cardini, Massimiliana Pagliara and resident Reza Athar will play this Saturday. If you don’t know these that well, just trust me, you’ll like them. If you don’t believe me, just check out Reza’s podcast.

Saturday: One Night in Detroit x For Those Who Know @ Studio 80

When I plan to go to Studio 80 I always exactly know what to expect: a cosy vibe and a lot of fun. This Saturday you’ll get as close as possibly to experience a night in Detroit with Rolando and Anonym. Mark du Mosch, T!m and Daniel Kane will play some tunes as well. Are you one of those who knows? If you do, you’ll be there.


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