Next Monday's Hangover: PRISMA, Zauer Kitchen, Indigo Aera & Sohaso, Barre Tijden

Next Monday’s Hangover: PRISMA, Zauer Kitchen, Indigo Aera & Sohaso, Barre Tijden

Apr 9, 2014 |  by  |  Event
About the author
Born and raised in Amsterdam, lives to dance and dances to live on electronic music, has a small vinyl addiction, appreciates a little sarcasm now and then, thinks musicals are annoying and loves those moments where you lose track of time completely.

Too many plans for the weekend? Let me narrow down your options by suggesting some events where you can meet, dance and drink with Amsterdam’s finest crowds. After all, ‘a hangover ain’t worth the pain if the party is lame’. Here’s where you weekend warriors should go to for next Monday’s hangover.

Wondering why I’m not Ridz? Read this!

Friday: PRISMA @ Studio 80

Your favourite triangular party is back. This time Applescal, Weval, Mattheis, David Douglas, resident Some Chemistry, Paul Hazendonk, Daniel Zuur and Mees Dierdorp will explore the futuristic, complex, artistic, deeper side of techno. I’ve been listening to some of Mees Dierdorp his sets lately and he’s definitely one to watch. If you’re looking for a night where you can discover some amazing new local talent Prisma is the perfect party.

Saturday: Zauer Kitchen @ Westergasterras

Zauer Kitchen is my favourite new concept in town, hands down. Almost everyone I know doesn’t enter a club before at least one o’clock. They like to catch up and have some drinks with friends first. Zauer Kitchen makes your pre-party-hangout even better because it allows you to start your night in style with quality music. The early set times allow artists to play different stuff than they normally would in a club. Daniel Zuur, the founder of Zauer Records and this lovely Kitchen, will celebrate his birthday this edition together with Some Chemistry and Florinsz Janvier. Party time!

Zauer Kitchen

Saturday: Indigo Aera & Sohaso @ Trouw

What would weekend be without Trouw? A scary thought. Come check out the Indigo Aera label night where Benny Rodrigues will play; a lot of people don’t call him the best DJ of The Netherlands for nothing. You should check out his Facebook page as well, some of his posts are pretty funny. De Verdieping will be hosted by Something Happening Somewhere where Johannes Brecht will play some tunes. I honestly don’t see where this night could go wrong.

Woodstock 69

Sunday: Barre Tijden in het zand @ Woodstock 69

I basically grew up in Woodstock 69. It’s the first place where I went out and danced on electronic music so I’ll always have a weak spot for this beach club. Barre Tijden is guaranteed straight out fun. I have no doubt that Elias Mazian, Kerk! and the others will bring the club to a higher level of awesomeness this Sunday. What’s better than dancing in the sand on bare feet while looking at a sunset and drinking a cold beer? You could even get wild and have some sex on the beach (interpret this however you like).

This is definitely a good weekend to party. Want some more options? Check out Groove Box, Henk, On and On, or Get On Down. Enjoy the hangover!

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