De Idee, a thrilling philosophical talkshow for the slow thinker

De Idee, a thrilling philosophical talkshow for the slow thinker

Oct 30, 2013 |  by  |  Art, Event
About the author
Mark Visbeek is a designer, musician, superstar, and loves illeism. Always looking to create beautiful things, I'm often distracted by the amazing stuff happening around me. My most important weapons are limitless amounts of love and a faux-French accent.

With popping green-and-red artwork and a mysterious tagline, De Idee grabbed me instantly. What the hell is a philosophical talkshow? What do they mean it’s for the slow thinker? What kind of a weird theme is ‘bankrupt’? What is all this absurd poppycock about?

Our friends over at SSBA Salon were having a heated debate over lunch and couldn’t agree whether or not our society has turned morally bankrupt. To settle the debate they grabbed the nearest phone and called up their bright-minded buddies at deFusie. Or at least that’s how I imagine this came to be. Anyway, deFusie told them ‘guys, we’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, and we feel it’s time to discuss it with the rest of the world.’ And that’s how De Idee was born.

Sharpening your mind

So what is it exactly? This Thursday night, the beautiful Stadsschouwburg will play host to a variety of thinkers; an established one, Meindert Fennema, but also three fresh minds, Jordy de Meij, Nura Rutten and Thomas Hogeling. They will all introduce an idea, either new and unfinished or rooted and matured, and discuss this idea.

Different from what you may feel a modern talkshow is, the guests are not here just to impose their story on the audience. They’re here to get to the bottom of their idea, to uncover the background behind each opinion, and the truth behind the answers. Are insults what they used to be? Are new ideas going extinct? Are opinions even relevant anymore? De Idee is a platform for questions, for thinking, slow and careful thinking.

If you’re up for a night of sharpening both your own mind and that of others on the mutual whetstone that they are, I cannot suggest anything better than fiddling that wrinkled fiver from the corner of your pocket and turn it into the best damn money you’ve ever spent.

De Idee

When: Thursday, October 31st – 20.30h
Where: Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam, Marnixvestiaire
Tickets: €5.- at the door (no pre-sale)
Info: Facebook event

SSBA Salon & deFusie - De Idee

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