All good things come to an end, and as always the final show on Amsterdam Fashion Week was expected to be nothing short of spectacular. This season Marga Weimans had the honour to stagger everyone in the final show, and given her reputation in wowing the crowd, I believe that there was no other suitable candidate in closing the week with a bang. The lights went out and visually supported by a projected animation displayed on the decor, the sound of Marga’s voice reverberated through the audience as she spoke about DNA, technologic innovations and fashion. Suddenly the animated blue, red and orange DNA strands began to shine brighter than a diamond: showtime.
Body Archive
As the first model stepped out on the runway ‘dressed’ in an acrylic panelled cube (yes, you read that correct), people in the audience started whispering in confusion. I, however, was completely mesmerized by this artistic spectacle, because the lights of the decor were reflecting on the cube in an astonishing way. For some reason it made me think of The Matrix.
After the first one, more cubes followed and they swiftly transformed into 3D constructions varying in colour and shape. The architectural creations made everything look more artistic than fashionable, yet it underlined Marga’s vision about her DNA and brand aesthetics. That every now and then someone in the audience would loudly gasp in surprise was inevitable. When the models lined up for the finale, a clamorous applause exploded, showing the appreciation for this quite unusual fashion show in which ‘extending the body’ was taken very literal.
Like the first generation of heavily built computers and mobile phones that transformed through innovation to streamlined gadgets, fashion too will develop to an innovative extension of the body.
Then the models returned for a second finale without the architectural acrylic panel constructions, accessories and box shaped tops, and for some reason even I felt a sigh of relief. Without the artistic contribution, the shift in colourtones was now clearly visible and printed tights combined with dark minimalistic dresses with sharp shoulders and colourful and graphic printed cotton and silk dresses were finally revealed.
Literally exposing fashion in this way, Marga Weimans truly demonstrated that she found her designer DNA in an innovative collaboration between fashion and architectural art. Not that I would ever wear a cube or a 3D acrylic panel construction –I’m just too short for that kind of stuff–, I definitely wouldn’t mind wearing the final graphic print dress as an extension of my body.
Photos by Beata Fortuna
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