Whether you went out last weekend to check out an uber-geeky beat magician or a depressingly awesome indie rock band, we all know there’s always some serious musical talents rocking around the Dam. You might not recognize them all yet, but don’t worry, you will soon. In this series of interviews we talk to remarkable artists about their music and their inspirations.
He rocked my socks off last Sunday at the party of the year, De Zon. This Friday he’s playing at Studio 80. This DJ, with that mysterious name, is literally everywhere. If there is a good techno or house party, chances are big that De Man Zonder Schaduw is playing. The Man With No Shadow is also known for the notorious GZG parties. This summer GZG Zomer Park will take place once again. Dancing to a fresh line-up, in a pentagon-shaped arena with multiple floors creating that feeling of unity. An absolute must go!
What artists do you listen to yourself, except from electronic music?
“Actually, I only listen to electronic music. When I don’t listen to techno or house I still listen to electronic influenced music, like ambient music or down tempo sound. Sometimes I check out things that aren’t really my style, such as dub step. When I do listen to non-electronic music it’s mostly reggae, salsa and African music. But 90% of the time it’s electronic.”
Can you remember the first time you went out and heard a great DJ set?
“Yeah, when I was 11 years old I went to Rave The City in Den Haag. I went there with my brother and I was already hooked on house. Gizmo and Dark Raver were it back then. This made a huge impression that stuck with me for the rest of my life. Then I stopped going out for a while, it’s not that I raved every weekend back then. But this was definitely the moment that made me fall in love with house!”
What’s the craziest thing that ever happened on the dance floor while you were playing?
“I played a Wasteland a while ago, and some pretty bizarre things went down. But I wish to make no further comments on this one.”
If you could bring a DJ back to life, who would it be?
“I don’t want to bring any DJ back from the dead. There are a lot of great DJs that aren’t here anymore, which is sad. But for some this creates a higher value. There’s this show on TV now where they bring artists back to life in a digital 3D form and let them perform. I think that’s just kind of macabre and tacky. You should let those who passed away have their peace and let them rest.”
What’s your latest genius discovery, artist or track?
“It had been around for a long time but I just recently discovered John Beltran’s music. I bought a best of CD a while ago and it’s really great. This is a good example of music that I like that isn’t techno or house.”
What’s the best club in Amsterdam?
“Studio 80. It’s like home to me because I’ve been playing there for years. I think the combination of the intimacy and the pumping music is great, you can lose yourself in the music completely. When I go out myself I prefer to go outside of Amsterdam where I’m a little more anonymous. Germany, for example. Last year I went to Burning Man, that was amazing.” (The feature image shows DMZS at Burning Man).
You’re playing in Studio 80 this Friday. What can we expect?
“I have a special night there every two months. You can expect it to be the same as the previous editions. I will have an opening and closing set, with a special guest in between. This time the special guest is Saso Recyd, a Macedonian who is about to break through internationally and has never played in The Netherlands before, because he used to have a phobia for flying. So this is a scoop! You can expect a good mix of nice people and a ‘gezellige’ and steaming club night!”
What’s the biggest accomplishment a DJ could have?
“For me that would be to keep reaching a bigger audience while keeping your own style. It’s easy to get seduced to please the crowd. It’s a complicated balance to give the audience what they want and stay true to your own sound. I think I’m doing a pretty good job so far.”
Last but not least, some multiple choice
a) Food
b) Sex
c) Sleep
a) Playing at sunset
b) Playing at sunrise
c) Playing at daytime
a) Alcohol
b) Soft drugs
c) Hard drugs
a) Money
b) Fame
c) Groupies
Funny thing is, that when playing at sunrise you can see everything but there are no shadows…
Studio 80 presents De Man Zonder Schaduw
When: Friday 25th of May 2012, 23:00
Where: Studio 80
Tickets: €15 | Presale €13 | GraagGezieneGasten €13
Website: Studio 80
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