De Zon in twelve pictures

De Zon in twelve pictures

May 22, 2012 |  by  |  Event, Music, Photos
Who wrote this?
Rob is 28 (but needs his beard to actually look like it), loves music, adventures and spontaneous people. His scribblings are about these things too, so if you share his interests, stay tuned!

Last Sunday we hosted a little get-together called De Zon, together with our friends BandjeBandje and Pleinvrees. The sun was shining, music was playing, people were smiling.. The festival season has officially started. Highlights of the day were a great set by German superstar DJ Oliver Koletzki, the huge amount of beautiful people and the five minutes of warm rain at the very end of the day. Summer is on people!

Photography courtesy of De Fotomeisjes. Complete set here.

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