Ordinary People Looking Extraordinary #12

Ordinary People Looking Extraordinary #12

May 18, 2012 |  by  |  Fashion, Photos
About the author
Rasa is a 26 year old luxury and fashion brands researcher and freelance fashion marketing consultant based in Amsterdam. She is also a blogger on her street style blog Fashion Population.

Normal people in Amsterdam who show their own style, caught on the street by our cameras. More street style from Amsterdam here.

The colours of my wardrobe usually depend on the time of the year. I like wearing black and other calm and dark tones in autumn and wintertime, but I unsurprisingly start putting on bright-coloured clothes once spring or summertime come. I have noticed a similar situation on the streets of many European capitals. And although Dutch people have never been grey, still, I have noticed that the amount of bright-coulored outfits on the streets of Amsterdam is directly proportional to every additional degree in temperature.

So to welcome the last month of the springtime I present to you the colours of Amsterdam for you to judge. Enjoy!

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