Ordinary People Looking Extraordinary #10

Ordinary People Looking Extraordinary #10

Mar 27, 2012 |  by  |  Fashion, Photos
About the author
Rasa is a 26 year old luxury and fashion brands researcher and freelance fashion marketing consultant based in Amsterdam. She is also a blogger on her street style blog Fashion Population.

Normal people in Amsterdam who show their own style, caught on the street by our cameras. More street style from Amsterdam here.

I love this spring in Amsterdam for many reasons: long bright days, warm wind, getting your cheeks sun-kissed, eating ice-cream on the street, getting rid of gloves while riding a bike and letting your bare neck catch the first sunrays… Remember those thick winter sweaters you used to wear during the cold days in Amsterdam? Seems, they are just too cozy to get rid of when the springtime comes; therefore stylish Dutchies wear them as an outerwear. So, ice-cream, winter sweaters, and lots of bare necks, – my second dose of Amsterdam Street Style shots for Overdose.am for you to judge.

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