Let bags inspire you at various levels at Nachtsalon

Let bags inspire you at various levels at Nachtsalon

Mar 10, 2012 |  by  |  Event, Fashion
About the author
Born and raised in Amsterdam, lives to dance and dances to live on electronic music, has a small vinyl addiction, appreciates a little sarcasm now and then, thinks musicals are annoying and loves those moments where you lose track of time completely.

Who doesn’t know the annual Museumnacht in November? On that night almost all museums in Amsterdam have a special program to connect us, young people, to museums. Sadly, this extraordinary event is still months away. However, the people from n8 organize Nachtsalon, a more intimate party located at a different museum every edition, once or twice a year. Luckily, the upcoming edition is next week. Tassenmuseum Hendrikje, the biggest bag-museum in the world, is up next and the theme of the night is – you probably guessed this already – ‘bags’.

The crazy program

The stylish and charming canal house Hendrikje will be filled with art, interactive experiences, lectures, film, and DJ’s. Carmen Felix, editor at VICE magazine, selected controversial, crazy, and beautiful film clips from the VICE archives about bags and their owners. Silvester, known from The Daisy Age and Night Flight, will spin the tables and provide us with some bag related tunes, for example. Or just listen to some short but powerful lectures from street style photographer Thuy Nguyen or Sijmen and Rikus who are professional backpackers.

The program doesn’t stop here. Take a peak at the biggest digital walk-in closet for bags and purses or recycle your old bag by handing it in, and take home somebody else’s. For those who desire personal styling advise stylist Bodo Breg and editor for Cosmopolitan Karlijn Visser will be there to help you out.

This was just a glimpse of the program, be sure to read more about it! And while you’re at it, check out the interviews I did with Silvester and Carmen Felix for n8 (in Dutch)!

nachtsalon Tassenmuseum Hendrikje – Interview DJ Silvester from Stichting n8 on Vimeo.

Nachtsalon Tassenmuseum | Interview Carmen Felix (VICE) from Stichting n8 on Vimeo.

Nachtsalon Tassenmuseum Hendrikje

When: 16th of March, 20:00 – 00:00
Where: Tassenmuseum Hendrike, Herengracht 573
Tickets: €7,-
Website: n8.nl

Feature photo by rosmary

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