Soften your 5 Days Off hangover at 5 Days On

Soften your 5 Days Off hangover at 5 Days On

Mar 1, 2012 |  by  |  Art, Event
About the author
Born and raised in Amsterdam, lives to dance and dances to live on electronic music, has a small vinyl addiction, appreciates a little sarcasm now and then, thinks musicals are annoying and loves those moments where you lose track of time completely.

Time flies, because next week it’s already time for 5 Days Off. I can’t wait to go crazy on the amazing line up. What I don’t look forward to however is the inevitable hangover. But not to worry, I have the perfect medicine! 5 Days On is the program for those who desire a little bit more depth, where the interaction between electronic music and art is explored. Because what’s better than to look at some art at daytime, to soften your hangover and to experience culture as a pre-party before you go dancing?

Party pics at the Amsterdam Museum

A must-see is the photography exhibition by Robin de Puy called Out@Home, in the Amsterdam Museum. 5 Days Off is all about massive parties. These photo’s are about parties as well, only in a more intimate setting. The focus of her work lies on individuals at these so called ‘house parties’. This results in some pretty intriguing pictures.

Photo and Film in the Melkweg

If you’re planning on going to the OstGut Ton label night in the Melkweg on Friday the 9th (which I seriously recommend you to do by the way), go to the exhibition space. The man who makes everyone slightly nervous when standing in line for club Berghain, Sven Marquardt, is a photographer in his free time and his work will be displayed in the Melkweg. But this is not the only thing happening here, the Melkweg Cinema will display a variety of films that are worth checking out, Don’t Think by The Chemical brothers is just one example.

Music and a lot more at the Balie

The remaining action of the program can be found in the Balie. On Friday the 9th Kamermans Kermis will take place there. This night’s theme is hedonism; a culturally and scientifically responsible night of fun, desire and the pursuit of the highest pleasure. Club the Loods, which normally organizes parties in Amsterdam North, will spin the tables. Just like J.G. Wilkes, better known as Optimo, who will provide is with some great nu-disco. On the last day of the festival, Echt Gebeurd will give you people talking about their most crazy experiences while going out, that I’m sure will be extremely relatable.

This is just a glimpse of the program, so be sure to check out all there is to see!

5 Days On

When: March 7th – 11th, 2012
Where: Amsterdam Museum, Melkweg, The Balie
Tickets: Most of it is free in combination with your 5 Days Off ticket

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