See Still/Life and the winner of the Paul Huf Award now at FOAM

See Still/Life and the winner of the Paul Huf Award now at FOAM

Sep 12, 2011 |  by  |  Art, Event
About the author
Art director, designer and photographer in the virtual world. What's in a name.

There are two exhibitions currently running at FOAM: Still/Life, showing new developments in still life photography, and one for the French photographer Raphaël Dallaporta, who received the Foam Paul Huf Award earlier this year. What you should see..

In the still life exhibition there are two guys who steal everybody’s thunder beforehand: Lernert & Sander. Some of their video works are exhibited in Foam, and you might be familiar with their Procrastinators or Elektrotechnique, the latter being used as a video for modern day poets De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig.

Embedded below is their brilliant work Procrastinators; 11 episodes of monologues about procrastination. Artists, writers and filmmakers tell about concentration, focus and the fine art of wasting their time. It’s well worth the time wasted.

More, more, more

Another photographer from the still life exhibit that caught my attention was Johannes Schwartz. This is one you have to see for yourself, however; his work does not translate well to small web images.

Winner Paul Huf award
The other exhibition is on Raphaël Dallaporta. His work materializes from a way of co-creation. He uses researchers and anyone else who can aid him in his research projects. He looks over the shoulder of the people in the know and picks his own images and themes.

A good example is his project about the ruins in Afghanistan, where he has been working with a team of archaeologists from the north of Afghanistan. Using an aerial camera system –a special drone– adapted by Dallaporta to fly over the country, he takes pictures of the sites.

Dallaporta also has a series about anti-personnel mines that is quite intriguing, confronting, and in a way aesthetically pleasing, which all contradicts each other. Be sure to have a look at that one, too.


When: September 9th – October 21st
Where: Foam, Keizersgracht 609

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