Next Monday's Hangover: Marc Romboy, Zevenentwintig, VOLTT After & Weiter's Mysteryland Aftershow

Next Monday’s Hangover: Marc Romboy, Zevenentwintig, VOLTT After & Weiter’s Mysteryland Aftershow

Aug 24, 2011 |  by  |  Event, Music
About the author
Ridz, advertises, produces indie/electronic music, performs throughout the Netherlands but ultimately always ends up at an Amsterdam based ensemble... then he blogs about all these things.

Too many plans for the weekend? Let me narrow your options down by weekly suggesting the events where you can meet, dance and drink with Amsterdam’s finest crowds. After all, ‘a hangover ain’t worth the pain if the party is lame’. So here’s where you weekend warriors should go to for next Monday’s hangover.

Friday: We Are E w/ Marc Romboy @ Studio 80

For the next episode of their club night in Studio 80 the people behind the E brand managed to arrange a truly unique performance by a truly unique artist: Marc Romboy. This man has helped some well renowned projects and platforms see the light of day such as Terminal M, Alphabet City, PSI-49-Net and of course his very own Systematic Recordings. With a rarely found combination of a love for an oldskool, dirty techno sound and an instinct for new technological developments, Marc’s reputation has grown widely over the last couple of years. Support in the main room is coming from our good friends Terry Toner and Arjuna Schiks (live) and room two will see a lot of hands in the air with the down to earth straight up sounds of Joey Daniel and Frenk Wiersma. E there!

Saturday: Zevenentwintig (Sssst) @ Sugar Factory

Kreativ is a creative production company and BandjeBandje are good at creating live experiences, apparentely these two small initiatives have found each other and fell in love. But why the name 27? ‘Cause it’s the 27th of august? ‘Cause there’s a birthday to celebrate? Yes, well, any easy excuse to party this weekend is okay, right? To celebrate they bring us a few well known locals as Terry Toner, Ferro, Mailman and Tim&Ties. Don’t forget to bring a present, cheers!


Saturday: VOLTT Loves Summer After @ Paradiso

There is not one electronic festival nowadays that doesn’t continue their event without a proper afterparty. The guys behind Voltt didn’t just choose any club for its official after, they do it in style at Amsterdam’s pop temple Paradiso. Line-up? Anything can happen, will it be Loco Dice? Magda? Paul Ritch? DJ Koze? Minilogue? Henrik Schwarz? Mathias Kaden? You can’t really go wrong with this one. Have fun!

UPDATE: Henrik Schwarz, Mathias Kaden and The Advent now confirmed for this after

Saturday: Olivier Weiter – Mysteryland Aftershow @ Chicago Social Club

Olivier Weiter, you must know him by now. He closed off our own festival NMH two weeks ago, and the emo-techno DJ is now hosting a crazy Mysteryland aftershow with a 3 hour DJ-set and a unique Mysteryguest (I’ve been told he’s German). Also, John Wolff, Charles Davos (Live), Erin, Rus and Ken Abel will stand behind the decks. So, if you have energy left after the Mysteryland Festival or Voltt loves summer, and you’re into melodies, neotrance, or whatever kids are calling this type of music nowadays, go!

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