Aug 17, 2011 | by Xaviera | Fashion, Photos
About the author
A 24 year old blogger suffering from a serious fashion addiction. Magazines, new pairs of heels and lots of jewellery satisfy the cravings. Walks around in high-heels, looking for inspiration on the streets of Amsterdam. Feeling fabulous? Contact me at!
Normal people in Amsterdam who show their own style, caught on the street by our cameras. More street style from Amsterdam here.
Needless to say that you missed all the fun last Sunday, if you weren’t at Next Monday’s Hangover – Out in the open. So if you couldn’t attend the coolest festival of this summer for some stupid reason, no worries. Strolling around with my camera, I was able to capture the funniest, weirdest, funkiest and most fashionable people and their ultimate festival accessories. If you were there, I hope you had the same marvellous day I had and remember the good times when you take a look at these photos!
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