Unless I’m really craving a good dose of sex, drugs and tourists I rarely wander the streets around the red light district. But my trusty bike does bring me for a ride along Rokin every once in a while and the past few times there has been something catching my eye from behind the construction chaos. I finally had a chance to scope it out and guess what I found…
A rundown space with exposed brickwork, a dirty floor and big columns. But the walls are filled with colourful and grabbing artwork, all by the Amsterdam based artist Selwyn Senatori. Downtown 75 is a temporary expo space dedicated to this man’s new style of work.
Selwyn has been around for a number of years though, with numerous galleries showing his work. Not only on home turf is he becoming ever more popular, but his work is also an international success. As Selwyn said himself in an interview with Let It Rain TV: “I think in about five years there will be no way around me any more. I’ll have become a brand, Selwyn Senatori.”
Different ingredients are added to Selwyn’s own personal recipe for neo-pop paintings. His Italian background is strongly visible throughout the different pieces. This is then mixed together with a number of hints towards graffiti, pop art, cartoons and even quite a bit of Herman Brood. Strong one-liners and other catchy phrases fill in the gaps.
What else is there left for me to say other than go and take a look yourself. Selwyn will be more than happy to guide you around and tell a bit more about each individual piece; there’s a story behind everything. And remember to keep Thursday July 21st free, that night is the closing party of the expo. A little teaser, this guy is going out with a bang!
Photos courtesy of Selwyn Senatori
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