Amsterdam Aperture: Amsterdam's Construction Sites

Amsterdam Aperture: Amsterdam’s Construction Sites

Jan 17, 2011 |  by  |  Photos
About the author
I'm Tamar, 24, in love with photography and all other things that inspire me! Any inspiring tips? Email me at: !

What is the best way to show you what’s going on in our world, also known as the village of Amsterdam? Exactly, visual stimuli! Amsterdam Aperture is a recurring photography series by us (Rutger & Tamar), in which we give you a tour through our worlds and show you how we experience our city.

Everywhere you walk, bike or drive in Amsterdam you are confronted with blocked roads and traffic detours. Amsterdam often seems to be one big construction site; buildings are torn down and rebuilt, roads are repaved and new bridges are built. Even though many consider these construction sites view spoilers, I have a strange fascination with them. Below you’ll find some pictures I have taken of several ‘famous’ construction sites throughout the city.

Amsterdam Central Station – Bulldozers

Amsterdam Central Station – Construction Site

Underground – North-South Line

Underground Pipes – North South Line Rokin

All photos by Tamar / Feature image: Club 11 torn down

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