I am a big supporter of individualism and originality; I love people who choose to avoid the path of mainstream commercialism and go their own way. Who cares what the world thinks, right? For these exact reasons, Vivienne Westwood can do no wrong in my eyes. Her punk rock style, free spirit and impeccable designs have captured my heart for many years now. When I heard about her recent project with jeans label Lee, I just had to share it with you guys. And let me tell you, it is freaking brilliant.
Vivienne Westwood and Lee Jeans have launched an online installation entitled ‘100 Days of Active Resistance’. The principle idea is that it is not enough to just follow world politics and read the right books, you need to go deeper to actually make the world better. Or as Vivienne says: “you get out of life what you put in and that real experience of the world involves thinking.” An ideology very similar to Overdose.am friend Ernst-Jan’s initiative ‘De Netwerkrevolutie‘ (must read for Dutchies). For 100 Days of Active Resistance a London exhibition will be created consisting of 100 photo picked out of our daily submissions representing ‘active resistance’.
So stand up and speak out! Take a photo, write a slogan, create an image and show the world your active resistance. I’m working on mine as we speak and I think that we in Amsterdam are very capable of making a mark on this world. I meet many inspiring and creative people on a daily basis and if we all gather our confidence and show our talent to the world, we too can make a difference. Word is on the street that the exhibition might travel to Amsterdam too, so we better make a mark on it.
Sharing is caring!